Why Do You Need an Old Brick House Restoration?

Brick houses are sturdy, but it does not mean that they last. Brick house restoration is a must-do if your home is older than 20 years. It helps keep you and your family safe from possible future accidents.


Now, you probably ask, “How can an old brick house put me and my family’s safety at risk?”


To answer these questions, we must first learn about the advantages and disadvantages of having a house made of bricks.


Advantages of Living in a Brick House

It is impossible to build a house with bricks alone. To make a building out of them, you need mortar to combine them. This combination of bricks and mortar creates a home that can provide you with the following benefits.


Fire and Weather Protection

Bricks are noncombustible. Once a fire starts in a room with a brick foundation, you can assure that it will not spread to another place. It helps contain the fire within a room, giving your family members a chance to escape this disaster. 

Besides that, compared to other construction materials, bricks can withstand high impact. They can protect you from flying debris and strong winds during a heavy storm.



If you are an environmentalist or an environmental advocate, you will love to live in a brick home. Bricks are easy to make because they are made from shale and clay. You can even choose to reuse them for other construction projects if you want.


Easy Maintenance

Compared to wood and vinyl, bricks are low-maintenance. It does not rot or dent for a long time. They are easy to clean and long-lasting (depending on how to take care of your house).


Disadvantages of Living in a Brick House

Living in a brick home has its upsides, but as a famous adage says, “It is not all rainbows and sunshine.” There are downsides to living in a brick house, which you must know to ensure your family’s safety. 


As mentioned, bricks and mortar go together to build a house. Bricks are durable, but the mortar is not as such. Also, even if bricks are famous because of their practicality and durability, it does not mean that they will last forever. Both bricks and mortar wear down over time.  


Here are the factors that hasten this wear down process:



Once an earthquake strikes, it wears out the bond between the mortar and bricks of your home. It causes shifts in your house’s foundation, weakening it.


Temperature Changes and Moisture

Temperature changes and high humidity are why house bricks are not an excellent choice in places with extreme temperatures. This issue can also cause foundational problems, mould growth, and mortar wear. 

It is due to the porous property of bricks and mortar. Temperature changes and high humidity can cause moisture which traps into these tiny holes. Moisture allows fungi and moulds to grow and thrive, causing chips and cracks to your brick walls that can crumble over time.


Why Do You Need Brick House Restoration Services

Getting a brick house restoration service can help bring your old house back to its former glory. It also prolongs the lifespan of your home, providing you with a safe place to live.


Here are the other reasons it is a must to restore your brick home after living there for many years. 


Live in a Home That Lasts for Centuries

Because bricks and mortar deteriorate over time, maintenance is a must around every 20 to 30 years.


The need depends on how excellent your previous contractor did their repointing job to your home. If a skilled builder does it, the house can last up to 100 years. If it is poorly done, it doesn’t just affect the house’s appearance. You will also see the problem in the foundation through chips and cracks.


Installation of Innovative Bricks

If your house was built many years ago, the bricks used were created through old technology. 


With an old brick house restoration service, you will have the opportunity to have a newly restored house made from modern bricks produced by modern technology. Meaning, your home will be more durable and resistant to weather changes.


Enhanced Home Value

Brick house restoration provides you with the opportunity to live in a beautiful home that deserves a higher price tag in the market. If you want to let go and sell your home one day, you can set it at the price you want. 


Importance of Choosing a Skilled Builder

To ensure that you will get the brick house restoration services you deserve, choose the builder that has years of experience for the job. It is a crucial process to make sure that they will do the job right. You will enjoy living in your home up to a century before you or your future generation ask for another brick house restoration service.


Most importantly, with a job well done, you will feel at peace. You do not have to worry that your house might crumble at any moment. You and your family can live in harmony and build new memories.


For brick house restoration and construction services, request a quote at MKJ today!

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